Chasseur and Co, what for?

To find a property finder or an office is a hell of a job! Chasseur And Co change the usual way tot work, and work strictly on buyer’s and tenant’s side. You won’t waste your time any longer or miss the perfect catch!

Property finder, what is it?

A property finder is a professionnal in real estate dedicated to you. He searches real estate for you only. It’s not a classic estate agent: he doesn’t have anything for sale or rent. He devotes his time for some happy few. (max 4 at a time).

I would rather have a friend searching for my flat for me than contacting Chasseur And Co.

Why not? Most of the time our clients contact us because the friend didn’t find anything or because they missed the right property. Chasseur And Co is more reactiv because the property finder works full time for you. Chasseur And Co has a professionnal network informing about the confidential market. Chasseur And Co, also have a great expertise and educated opend eyes.

I would rather have a colleague searching for our new premices than contacting Chasseur And Co.

You know better what’s good for you. But your colleague doesn’t know the market nor the local prices. He will spend time looking for the visible and miss what’s not on internet. He will call numerous agencies. They will propose him what they have for sale or rent. In the meantime, he will be less available for his own work.

With Chasseur and Co you get straight to the point while your collaborator is still focusing on his missions. 90% of the case, you will pay the same fees, with or without Chasseur And Co because we usually (in real estate corporate) share the fees with the real estate corporate agencies. Such an help for the same price! Who wouldn’t?

Chasseur And Co is it only a web platform or real people whom I can meet?

The website www.chasseurandco.fr is a tool designed to ease the first contact. Whatever you’re looking for, a specialised property finder will get in contact with you for a first meeting, free of charge and commitment of any kind.

I only pay the fees once I get the keys! Is this true?

Yes indeed! Chasseur And Co cost you if it works! Chasseur And Co is ruled by the “Hoguet law” and has a professionnal card. That’s why you only pay if we succeed. We share the same interest: Find the property/office you need.

After signing a research mandate, can I also look by myself?

You can be part of the research but it’s a team work. You communicate all information to your property finder. He’s the one driving you through all the different steps to secure the deal.